Qin Haiyan: Technological Change Drives the World towards A Zero Carbon Future

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From May 23 to 24, the Wind Power Parts and Materials Technology Forum and the Wind Turbine Hydraulic Pitch Technology Seminar were held in Qingdao. This seminar was hosted by the Wind Energy Professional Committee of China Renewable Energy Society and undertaken by Qingdao Pangu Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

From May 23 to 24, the Wind Power Parts and Materials Technology Forum and the Wind Turbine Hydraulic Pitch Technology Seminar were held in Qingdao. This seminar is organizedSponsored by Wind Energy Professional Committee of China Renewable Energy Society and undertaken by Qingdao Pangu Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd.. The conference focused on the innovative technology and application of wind turbine hydraulic pitch system, explored the technology development route and prospects, and promotedHydraulic Pitch Technology and ProductsThe application in China's wind power industry provides a more secure, stable and efficient operating environment for wind turbines. FromRelevant national and Shandong provincial government departments, industry associations, scientific research institutes, universities, wind power development enterprises, wind power equipment manufacturing enterprises, financial institutions, etc.More than 200 people attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Qin Haiyan, Secretary General of Wind Energy Professional Committee of China Renewable Energy Society, delivered a speech.

Qin Haiyan:Technological change, driving the world towards a zero-carbon future

-- Speech Record of 2024 Wind Turbine Hydraulic Pitch Technology Seminar

Qin Haiyan

Secretary General of Wind Energy Professional Committee of China Renewable Energy Society

Dear leaders, guests and colleagues in the wind energy industry:

Good morning, everyone. I am very glad that you can attend this technical seminar.

Since last year, in addition to holding some large-scale comprehensive meetings, our special committee has begun to hold seminars on technical topics. The scale of the seminar does not need to be large, but the participants are all front-line professional and technical personnel, and the content is very specific. For example, today's discussionHydraulic pitch technology is a very small and specialized technical route.

Last year, we held two similar seminars. One was a forum on the development of offshore wind power ships in the future. In view of the large-scale development of offshore wind turbines, we conducted in-depth discussions on what kind of installation ships and operation and maintenance ships we need. Widely concerned and responded. The most important thing is that through such seminars, there is an effective exchange between the shipbuilding and wind power industries. Last year we also discussed a more professional technology, that is, how to apply lidar in the wind power industry.

On the basis of the two professional and technical seminars last year, I also want to hold a series of technical forums on components and materials this year, just like todayLike hydraulic pitch technology, it is hoped that through such an exchange platform, the continuous progress of wind power technology will be promoted.. At the same time, I also thank Pangu Intelligence for its support for this meeting and Mr. Shao.

In the past few years, many people in the industry and even outside the industry have saidWhat is the technical innovation and technical content of wind power?Everyone is questioning that wind power is not a traditional mechanical equipment. Seeing that what this industry is doing is that the power of a single machine is increasing, from 100 kilowatts to 18 megawatts immediately; the blades are getting longer and longer, from the original 20, 30 meters, to the current longest 143 meters; the tower is getting higher and higher, and the highest has reached 185 meters.

What other technological advances are there besides "big?At a meeting last year, I specifically sorted out such problems. In fact, there are many specific technological innovations behind the "big". Without these small technological innovations, it is impossible for us to make wind turbines so big. The blades are so long. For example, when the blades grow,Flexibility and stiffnessHow to coordinate, again big may need someApplication of new materialssuch as carbon fiber. When our crew is big, we also need it.intelligent controlThe promotion of ability. I have given an example before. It turns out that when a 100-kilowatts unit is used, there may be more than 100 parameters monitored, including wind speed, wind direction, temperature, etc. Up to now, the monitoring parameters have reached more than 4500, which requires thousands.Sensor. The original control model of the unit is very simple, there are more than a dozen models, including cut-in and cut-out, pitch and so on. Nowcontrol modelThere are hundreds of them. The original control software and control strategy have about 50000 lines of code, but now there are 5 million lines,It has increased by 100 times.

These are all the technological achievements we have made 1.1 and accumulated from the details. As a result, wind power has become the most expensive electric power variety from 70 to 80 cents per kilowatt-hour, and has become the economic level of 1.5 to 20 cents per kilowatt-hour, or even 10 cents per kilowatt-hour in the "three northern regions" with relatively good wind resources today. This is the result of the joint efforts of our wind power colleagues and technicians.

I recommend everyone to read a book "Technology and Civilization" by Zhang Xiaoyu. It talks about what promotes the progress and development of human society. Great politicians, thinkers, and cultural elites have of course played an important role in the process of human history, but the most fundamental driving force for the process of human civilization is actually technology. When humans successfully tamed horses, their load-bearing capacity and pull increased 4-5 times. When humans invented water mills and windmills, the power of these machines was further increased to 3-60 horsepower. After Watt improved the steam engine, the power of a steam engine boiler can reach 70 horsepower or so. If you build 10 boilers, you can have an energy source that can continuously output 700 horsepower. This means that human beings have gained greater efficiency to promote social and economic development. We recall history. In many cases, technology is used to characterize an era. For example, the industrial revolution was the era of steam engine, then entered the era of internal combustion engine, entered the era of electrification, and now entered the era of information. Without the development of technology, human beings could not have achieved such a great degree of civilization, and we could not live such a comfortable and happy life.

Taking a "great event karma" in ancient China as an example, the invention of the crossbow indirectly contributed to the power of Qin. 2500 years ago, ancient Chinese Mohism attached importance to the use of crossbows, not only because crossbows have advantages in siege and defense battles, but more importantly, they can technically enable civilians who are not good at fighting to compete with the regular army after a short training. This makes the management of the army no longer dependent on the "acquaintance mechanism", thus creating a stratification system. After witnessing the results of the "Battle of Yangcheng", Qin Xiangong invited the Mohist to enter Qin, and Qin then changed from weak to strong.

The development of a technology has also affected the social form of Europe. 500 years ago, a piece of paper on the printing press, carrying the ideas or insights of great minds, rushed to every corner of Europe and promoted the accelerated dissemination of information. This enabled Martin Luther to discover that his new theory and new ideas could be spread more quickly, so that the religious reform was like a whirlwind blowing on the land of Germany, and then affected the European political pattern for more than a hundred years.

There are countless similar examples. The compass guided navigation, which affected the world civilization pattern for hundreds of years; the fertilizer prepared by the Habey method may have maintained the 1/3 earth population after the war. I think every technological change will promote the great progress of human civilization. Now we are facing a new great change, that is, to enter aZero carbon era. We're goingTo replace traditional fossil energy with renewable energy technology, we must rely on wind and light to ensure the sustainable development of energy, ensure energy security, and ensure the realization of climate change goals.

Therefore, as wind power operators and new energy practitioners, we should feel proud and have a great responsibility. Wind power still has a broad space for development in the future. The current installed capacity is about 0.5 billion kilowatts, basically accounting for half of the world. In order to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, the cumulative installed capacity of wind power in China should reach at least 2 billion kilowatts in 2035. To reach more than 3 billion kilowatts in 2050.Therefore, there is a huge space for the development and innovation of China's wind power market in the future, which requires all wind energy people, especially technicians, to continuously promote innovation and truly realize that all electricity comes from renewable energy.

Thank you all.

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